Pupil Premium
Background - What is Pupil Premium?
The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main Academy funding, is the best way to address the current underlying 有资格享受免费校餐的儿童与较富裕的同龄人之间的不平等,办法是确保解决弱势问题的资金惠及最需要的学生.
政府决定,2012-13学年学生津贴的资格将扩大到在过去6年的任何时候有资格享受免费校餐的学生. As a group nationally, 在任何时间点有资格获得FSM的儿童的受教育程度始终低于从未有资格获得FSM的儿童.
What does this look like at Oasis Academy MediaCityUK?
在Oasis Academy MediaCityUK,我们决心通过提高所有学生的抱负和教育成果,成为“杰出”的使命.
有针对性和战略性地使用学生津贴将支持我们实现Oasis Academy MediaCityUK的愿景,使所有学生都能充分发挥其学术潜力. 为达致上述目标,我们就使用学生资助基金订定以下原则.
- 我们确保教学和学习的机会满足所有学生的需要.
- 我们确保为弱势群体的学生提供适当的服务, 这包括确保充分评估和解决社会弱势学生的需求.
- In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, 我们认识到,并非所有接受免费校餐的学生都是社会弱势群体.
- 我们也认识到,并非所有社会弱势学生都注册或有资格获得免费校餐. 我们保留分配学生津贴的权利,以支持任何学生, or groups of pupils, the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
- 学生补助金将在需求分析后分配,以确定优先班级, groups or individuals.
The Academy Council & 学院领导团队(ALT)可能会考虑为该小组提供以下条款
- One to One and small group tuition
- Inclusion in enrichment activities including school trips & visits
- 为个别有需要的学生提供手提电脑
- 在确定需要改进的科目中,从目标资源中获得额外的课程支持
- 从教牧团队的知识、个别学生访谈和家庭联络中确定对学生的个别支持.
- Student support from external organisations e.g. motivational programmes.
- Increased access to school counsellors to support emotional and mental health
- Increased access to other specialist support services e.g. CAMS, Outreach.
- 在家庭联络和个别学生会议中提供接送服务
- Increased support for Literacy & Numeracy
- Student access to a nominated ‘Mentor’ of their choice within school, 支持和指导学生,使学生能够发挥他们的潜力
- Peer support programmes as required
- Staff CPD activity
It will be the responsibility of the Principal, or a delegated member of staff, 在书院理事会的年度数据报告中包括下列资料:
- 社会弱势学生在按年级缩小差距方面取得的进展.
- An outline of the provision that was made since the last annual report.
- An evaluation of the cost effectiveness, in terms of the progress made by the pupils receiving a particular provision, when compared with other forms of support.
At the end of the academic year, 学院理事会将确保每年向家长提供一份报告,说明学生津贴资金是如何用于解决“缩小差距”的问题的。, for socially disadvantaged pupils. 此声明将与学生保费的“联系理事会成员”一起准备. 这项任务将在教育部公布的要求范围内进行. This policy will be reviewed annually.